Worship vs. Concerts

Worship Concerts
God-centered Man-centered
A necessity (required by God) Not a necessity (not required by God)
Led by an ordained minister Performed by musicians
Contains all the biblical elements of worship: prayer, congregational singing, reading of the Holy Scriptures, preaching, sacraments, vows Does not contain all the elements of worship
Does not contain any elements not required (in worship, whatever is not commanded by God is forbidden) Often contains elements inappropriate for worship (e.g. video clips, dance, drama, special effects, applause)
Music chosen primarily for its fidelity to Scripture, God-centered focus, and ability to communicate truth Music chosen primarily for its crowd appeal (e.g., beat); man-centered focus; may contain false doctrine
Conducted under the oversight of ordained elders Promoted by a profit-seeking entrepreneur
Funded by the tithes of God’s people Funded by ticket sales
Purpose is to glorify God by doing those things that he requires in his Word, out of a heart of obedience Purpose is to entertain attendees who like a certain kind of music
God’s people of all ages must go Attracts people mostly of a particular age group who choose to go
Emphasis on the worship of God and proclamation of his truth Emphasis on the enjoyment of a musical performance
Must be done on the Sabbath; may be done the other six days May not be done on the Sabbath; may be done on the other six days