Scripture Index to the Westminster Standards

List of Printing Errors

The following printing errors are often found in popular editions of the Westminster Confession. Some of these errors were first introduced in early printings of the Confession, and thereby transmitted to subsequent editions. The corrections listed are noted in S.W. Carruthers, The Westminster Confession of Faith (Manchester: R. Aikman and Son, 1937).

The present publisher has incorporated the correct references into the body of the preceding index. References marked below with an asterisk (*) were correct in editions of the Confession published by the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland prior to 1994. All references are correct in the new Free Presbyterian edition of 1994.

Section:Error:Should Read:
1:6*1 Cor. 2:9, 10, 121 Cor. 2:9-12
2:3*John 1:15, 26John 15:26
3:1*Job 19:11John 19:11
4:2*Gen. 27Gen. 2:7
4:2*Gen. 2:27Gen. 2:17
5:3Job 34:10Job 34:20
5:5Ps. 77:1, 10, 12Ps. 77:1-12
6:31 Cor. 15:21-22, 45, 291 Cor. 15:21-22, 49
7:6Heb. 12:22-27Heb. 12:22-28
7:6Acts 15:11 (omitted)Acts 15:11 should be the last reference in Chapter 7:6, following Heb. 13:8.
8: 4*Heb. 10:5-11Heb. 10:5-10
8:41 Cor. 15:3-51 Cor. 3-4 only
11:1Acts 10: 44Acts 10:43
11:4Titus 3:4- 7Titus 3:3-7
12:1See letter “b” Letter “b” should begin with a reference to Gal. 4:4-5, which is sometimes listed wrongly as the last verse in the previous footnote.
16:3John 15:4-6John 15:4-5
18:2*Eph. 3:13-14Eph. 1:13-14
20:1*1 John 7:38, 39John 7:38-39
20:1*2 Cor. 3:13, 17, 192 Cor. 3:13, 17-18
21:1Deut. 15:1-20Deut. 4:15-20
23:32 Kings 24:1-262 Kings 23:1-26
23:4*Titus 1:3Titus 3:1
27:1Gal. 3:27Gal. 3:17
28:4Gen. 17:7, 9Gen. 17:7, 9-10
29:1*2 Cor. 12:131 Cor. 12:13
29:41 Cor. 10:61 Cor. 10:16
29:4*Mark 4:23Mark 14:23
30:1Acts 20:17-18Acts 20:17, 28
30:2*John 20:20-23John 20:21-23
32:3*1 John 5:28-29John 5:28-29

The following additional typographical errors were detected in Free Presbyterian editions during the preparation of this book. The reference in the Confession is correct in the 1994 edition.

ReferenceError:Should Read:
WCF 9:3Titus 3:13-15Titus 3:3-5
LC 61 John 5:171 John 5:7
LC 191Psalm 67:1, 18Psalm 68:1, 18
SC 48Psalm 46:20-21Psalm 44:20-21

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